
Tips for Better Food Processing

  • By Breville
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Save time prepping for a big meal with the variable slicing disc. This innovative attachment enables up to 24 thickness settings cutting from 0.5mm for stocks to 8.0mm thick for a salad with plenty of flavour.

Precision with a twist.

There’s a lot more science to slicing food then just making things look pretty. Vegetable stocks and soups for example, develop more flavour with finer slices, whereas other dishes, like casseroles or salads can enhance flavours in the mouth using much thicker slices. So when it comes to slicing you don’t just need to slice evenly, you need to be able to adjust the thickness of the slice from dish to dish as well.

Finer slices are better for stock because flavour transfer works best when you maximise the surface area of the vegetables in the liquid. And the best way to do that is to slice your vegetables as finely as possible. But when you eat a cooked slice of leek, zucchini or carrot for example, the act of biting and breaking through the surface of the vegetable can actually help release more flavour into your mouth.



  • rosa Sunday, 14 February 2016

    can you make a pavlova with the Breville Food Processor and if so how to do it. When Bought the processor it said that it does egg whites etc. Please advise

  • Breville Food Thinkers Thursday, 17 March 2016

    Hi Rosa,
    The unit does not make a meringue strong enough for a pavlova with the emulsifier blade or in the smaller bowl with the s blade.

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Guest Sunday, 05 May 2024